The latest source of Green Energy as envisaged and contemplated by researchers across the globe is GREEN HYDROGEN and Aaryans is proud to announce that the group has already developed and partnered with technology partner to produce green hydrogen. There are different types of hydrogen like Blue, Gray and Green etc but the best suitable as non-polluting fuel is Green Hydrogen.
- Aaryans have already identified the location in Maharashtra and the process of allotment from the state authorities is in process.
- The plant will produce 4500 kg of Green Hydrogen daily and the same will be stored in in house facility developed by us for the same. We shall be supplying the green hydrogen to authorities as per mutually agreed prices and it will also be used for our captive consumption to power our other business verticals. We have also planned to use our own resources for solar power in the H2 plant to run the electrolysis process, which will make us self-sufficient.
- Additionally, the oxygen which is released in the process of making H2 will also be stored by us and the same will be utilized for our health sector and aviation sector after treating the oxygen as per the need.
- Aaryans will be investing Rs. 6900 crores and shall employ 1000 people of the land.
- Aaryans is already on the verge of developing a pilot plant for the same and shall also deply the process of condensing and liquidification of Hydrogen and Oxygen in the pilot project.